junca Cash VP
junca Cash (JCC) is the key currency of junca platform.
junca platform aims to be a platform that helps strengthen the Asian economy and achieve world peace through financial services such as international money transfer, currency exchange, and on/offline payments.
junca Global Group of Company signed MOU with Acts-OFW aiming at 30% share of its cross border remmitance.
Your hair become healthy and shiny
“BEFORE” very dry and dull…. “AFTER” full color and hairread more ...
“Beware of her fair hair, for she excels Allread more ...
Amino Acid is a must for summer hot season
“BEFORE” and “AFTER” Amino Acid is a must this summerread more ...
Junca Daily Hair Trivia Hair shine depends on the smoothread more ...
Junca outreach program at Echague Isabela last March 18-19, 2018read more ...