- Company Name
- Junca group company
- President
- Dr. Hisayuki Nagatome
- Company Registration Date
- 2009/12/17
- Industry
Beauty Industry
Management of beauty salons and all related business to beauty industry. - Business Activities
- Management of beauty salons
(Facilities includes, Steamed Sauna with precious stones, Esthetics with Platinum, al Head Spa treatment)
- Instructor of seminars for beauty management
- Management and operation works of events
- Total produce works doe bridal business
- Development of products
- Consulting business for setting up beauty salons
- Franchise operations of beauty salons
- Management of retails
- Consulting of F&B business.
- Total produce business for companies and individuals
- Management of Philippines business tours for individuals and companies to set up business in Philippines
- Planning marketing promotions - About us
- To assist your “HAPPY LIFE”, we always provide good environments to make sure that we, ourselves and all related people are always “Happy”.
- Activities for society
“Hair Donations”
We donates human hairs from our precious customers of hair salons. Those will be used for wigs of medical purposes. - Address
- Ground floor, King's Court Building 2, 2129 Chino Roces Ave, Legazpi Village Makati, 1229 Meteo Manila Philippines
- 02-4160-740
- juncajapan.inc@gmail.com
- Web Sites
「junca Group」 https://www.junca-beauty.com
「junca Concept Salon」 https://junca-beauty.com/mainsalon/junca_salon/
「junca japan Inc.」 http://www.junca-japan.jp/ - Advisor
Nihonbashi Law Office
Ryuki Ueda lawyerGrow-will International Low Firm
Hidetoshi Nakano lawyerAdministrative scrivener corporation, Hoshino
Tokyo Legal Management Joint Office
Katsumi Ito executive directorFirst Tokyo Lawyer Association
Expert of Metaverse Public-Private Partnership Council, Intellectual Property Strategy Secretariat, Cabinet Office
Kenshirou Michishita lawyer
junca Holdings CEO
Dr. Hisayuki Nagatome

junca Holdings - 最高経営責任者
人文科学博士号 英国オックスフォードAcademic Union名誉教授 Financial expert
junca Holdings CEO
Doctor of humanity Honorary Professor of the Academic Union, Oxford UK as a financial expert
As a marketing specialist, contributing to world economic development through fintech services and humanitarian aid
He has been a marketing specialist for almost 20 years and has helped various major Japanese companies, regardless of industry, expand their markets and advance overseas.
While continuing his activities to connect Japan with the rest of the world, he has focused his attention on the world of beauty, where there is no racial discrimination and no gender discrimination.
In order to contribute to the development of the Asian economy and world peace, he established a salon business in the Philippines as the founder of his own salon, after accumulating achievements in the domestic business in Japan. He was successful in the beauty industry by utilizing his marketing experience, but faced the problem of international remittance. In order to solve the international remittance problem faced by many Filipinos, including his own employees, he developed his own blockchain.
In order to meet the expectations of government agencies and major companies in the Philippines, he is developing a business that contributes to the world in the Fintech industry, starting with the Philippines, a country with high potential, and skillful and diligent people, while promoting cooperation.

princess nur mahal kiram

Current Position:
President of JUNCA
Chief Marketing Officer (CMO) of JUNCA Phil.
National Vice President of ACCW (Anti-Crime Community Watch) (NGO), community organization in campaign against crime.
Director of Bioaromatics Philippines and owner of Zamboanga Basilan Tawi tawi and Jolo branch.
Appointed last Oct 2019 as Executive Director of National Environmental Development Federal Party of the Philippines and Speaker Bureau DILG CFCR CSO CORE
Livelihood Program Officer of Task Force Kasanag. (TFK)
Member of the Royal Youth Foundation Inc. Of Sultanate of Sulu and Borneo
She finished her Bachelor of Mass Communication (Hons) Advertising in University Technology MARA UITM Shah alam Malaysia 2002.
IN 2010 Because of her public service, great leadership and extraordinary example, the senate of Ruggero II University, she was given the degree of Doctor in international affairs Honoris Causa thru Norman academy based in Rome Italy. She was also the Royal Patron of Norman academy.
In 2018 she finished her Early Childhood education at linx provi 8 learning center
In November 2018 she was given a certificate of recognition to "special child advocacy" by Gabay ng Bayan Radio Service and public affairs office for her generous contribution to the project and segment to the over-all success of Gabay at Aksyon program.
She was also given a Asian Achiever Awards in end of 2018 as an outstanding Civic leader by the 30th Asia Pacific Excellence Awards on Dec 15 2018

Entertainment Dept. Chief Entertainment Officer
Park, Hyun-Kyu

1986年 ソウル芸術大学 放送演芸学科入学。
1989年 日本留学。
1992年 法政大学社会学部社会学科入学。
1995年 日本情報月刊誌"地球家族"発行人就任。
1996年 (株)エレガンス海外開発部入社(日本、東京)
1999年 (株)スリングショット海外コンテンツ開発部長就任(日本、東京)
2000年 (株)スリングショット韓国ソウル支社長就任
2002年 (株)エースキング就任(日本J‐POPコンサート専門会社)
2003年 01月Deenコンサート2回公演(延世大学100周年記念館)
2004年 (株)INT副社長就任 冬のソナタクラシックコンサート(東京フィールハーモニー協演)キャスティング総括責任者及び企画総括。イ・ビョンホンMD独占契約 Remember BUZZ Forever ZIGGY日韓ロックコンサート主催
J-ROCK バンド<SKIPCOWS ソウルコンサート主催
Rainy Day(RAIN)ソウル、Busanコンサート)
J-ROCK フェスティバル主催
BUZZ 全国ツアー主幹
冬のソナタ主題曲作曲者ユ・ヘジュン日本4都市コンサート 総括主幹
㈱E&M Partners代表取締役社長就任
(株) アーティストビュー副社長就任
ソン・ヘギョー 日本エージェント契約
チョン・ウソン 日本エージェント契約
ハン・ヒョウジュー 日本エージェント契約
ハン・チェヨン 日本エージェント契約
ジン・グー 日本エージェント契約
べ・スビン 日本エージェント契約
チュ・ジンモ 日本エージェント契約
チュ・ジンモ日本ファンMeeting 総括主幹
ドラマ"アイリス"TBS販売 総括
ソン・イェジン、ソン・ヘギョ"グータンヌーボ" (フジテレビ)"韓国ロケ企画総括
チェ・ジゥ、キム・ヨンア"グータンヌーボ" (フジテレビ)韓国ロケ企画総括
イ・ビョンホン( DOVE日本CM)契約
ドラマ"アイリス"埼玉アリーナ、大坂城ホール4回 総括主幹
東京ドーム2回 総括主幹
チョン・ジュンホ 日本エージェント契約
チョン・ジュンホ ファンMeeting(CCレモンホール)2回 総括主幹
ハン・ヒょジュファンMeeting(CCレモンホール)2回 総括主幹
ドラマ"アテナ"博報堂販売 総括
NHKドラマ"ドンイ"スペシャル放送 企画総括
NHKドラマ"コンジュの男" スペシャル放送 企画総括
NHKドラマ"シクリッドガーデン"スペシャル放送 企画総括
Thailand"Huahin 国際映画祭" ハン・ヒょジュ参加 企画総括
チャ・スンウォン 日本エージェント契約
チャ・スンウォン 日本 ファンMeeting(公会堂)2回 総括主幹
チョン・ジュンホ ディナーショ( 東京、大阪 )4回 総括主幹
NHK ドラマ(キム・スヒュン、 ハン・ガイン)日本 スペシャル放送 企画総括
(株) ZENITH Media Contents 副代表取締役就任
NHK ドラマ"太陽を抱く月"スペシャル放送韓国ロケ企画総括
NHK "馬医"スペシャル放送韓国ロケ企画総括
(株)太陽 Ent 代表取締役就任
NHKドラマ"馬医"日本 スペシャル放送企画総括
NHKドラマ"インヨップの道"日本 スペシャル放送企画総括
NHK ドラマ"オクニョ運命の女"日本 スペシャル放送企画総括
NHK ドラマ"君主"日本 スペシャル放送企画総括
1986 Study in Japan
1992 Hosei (Legal)University in Japan. Major in Sociology.
1995 Japanese monthly magazine "global family " Publisher
1996 Joined Elegance International Development (Tokyo, Japan)
1999 Slingshot Global Content Development (Manager / Tokyo, Japan)
2000 Inauguration of the knee shots NYSE Korea Branch
2002 Ace King (professional concert organization company)(Vice president / Japan)
2003 Deen`s 2nd performance in Yonsei University Centennial Hall concerts
2004 "Winter Sonata" classical concerts with "Japan Tokyo feel", Advance planning and Casting.Lee byunghun`sMD exclusive contract "Remember BUZZ Forever ZIGGY " Korea-Japan rock concert organizer
"Winter Sonata" national tour concert
J-ROCK band "SKIPCOWS" Korean concert organizer.
"Lee, Sang-en""Girinji"(Japan) Joint Performance Beautiful Days" (Drama) 12 performances and national tour of 8 cities in Japan
"Rainy Day" of "RAIN" performance organazer in Seoul , Busan J-ROCK Festivalorganazer.
" BUZZ"National tour organizer.
"Winter Sonata" Piano Concert plannerin Nakano, Japan. (Iruma and Lee,Ji-Su )
"Winter Sonata" 21 Special concert performances national tour of 15 cities organizer.
"Winter Sonata" Dinner Show (Odaiba Meridian Hotel)
"Winter Sonata" theme song composer "Yu,HaeJun)`s agent for Japan.
And his Japna national tour of 4 cities performance planner and organizer.
"Lee, Byung-Hun"Tokyo Dome concert
"Lee, Byung-Hun"Budokan two times show.
"Lee, Byung-Hun"7 times performances in Japan`s 4 cities.
"Lee, Byung-Hun"Toyota car models in Japan and ongoing liaison
Cho, Ji-Woo" Japanese agent contract
"Song Hye-Gyo"Japanese agent contract
"Jung Woo-Sung" Japanese agent contract
"Lee,Byung-Hun / Han,Hyo-joo / Han Chae-young / Jin, Gu / Bae, Su-Bin"
Japanese agent contract
"Lee, Byung-Hun"Yamano Beauty C, public relations and progress in Japan
"Lee, Byung-Hun" Tokyo Yoyogi National Stadium two shows progress , planning
Drama "Little Mom Scandal" sales agent in Japan
"Joo Jin-mo"Japanese agent contract
" "Joo Jin-mo" Japan fan meeting organizer.
Iris" (KBS Drama)shooting inAkita .
"Son Ye Jin and Song Hye-kyo" Japan talk show "gutan Nouveau ," production
planning and casting Korea
"Choi Ji-Woo and Kim Yun-A"Japanese talk show " gutan Nouveau ," production
planning and casting Korea
Lee, Byung-Hun and Han Chae-young" CF Mini- Drama Japan DVD sales.
"Lee, Byung-Hun"CF DOVE Japan and ongoing liaison
Lee , Korea Tourism CF shooting Chiaki Yamaguchi classical casting and planning progress
Iris drama performances planned four concerts in Tokyo , Osaka progress
Nakano Taoist baesubin fan meeting hall planning and progress
20th anniversary of the debut of Lee Jeju IN Asia Fan Meeting Planning and Progress
Drama " IRIS " Japan TBS sales and gross proceeds
Won Bin , Jang Dong-gun , Song Seung Hun , Lee appeared in "Four Cards" Tokyo Dome twice cast and Planning
Road Number One ( So Ji-sub , Kim Ha Neul DRAMA ) Hakuhodo in Japan sales
Lee appeared in Japan in 2011 drama " Diplomat Cruz Rota " in progress
Japanese agent contract ho
CC Lemon Hall in Tokyo two performances ho planning and progress
Han Hyo-joo CC Lemon Hall concert in Japan and planning to the total proceeds .
Athena shooting Tottori .
Drama " Athena" sales agent in Japan ( Hakuhodo )
Drama " dawn " NHK PR agent casting and Korea
Drama " dawn " in Japanese TV NHK special agents and casting Korea
Drama " study of man" Japan's NHK broadcasting Korea Special Agents
and Casting
Drama " Secret Garden " and casting agents to promote Japan's NHK
Han HyoJu Hua Hin International Film Festival in Thailand continue
participating agents.
Drama " Athena " drama concert in Tokyo, Osaka four times the planning
and progress
Cha Seung Won agent contract in Japan
Cha Seung-won progress in Japan fan meeting planning , and the total
Japan fan meeting planning , and the total proceeds baesubin
Ho Japanese Dinner Tokyo, Osaka , and a total of four times continue planning
Ltd. inaugurated deputy Zenith Media .
Drama " Haepumdal " ( Kim Soo-hyun , Han GaIn ) Japanese Promo
Drama " Haepumdal " NHK Special Broadcasting Planning and Korea location
Drama " village " NHK broadcasting major actor interviews and special
location planning and Korea
NHK Special Interview with Director Kim Do-hoon Systematic planning
and casting directors
Executive Park Sihoo overseas agents.
Park Sihoo Japan fan meeting planning and progress (Tokyo,Nagoya)
Executive Ko soyoung overseas agents .
TY Ent Pesident
Drama "OkJoongHwa" NHK Korea and Japan Press conference agent.
"Lee Dong-uk " agent contract
"Jung Yu-mi, Shim Eun-Kyoung "Japanese agent contract
"Cha Seung-won" Japan fan meeting organizer.(17.04.19)
Drama "OkJoongHwa" Press conference and Promtion(Jin Se-Yeon, Park Ju-mi, Jung Eun-Pyo).
Drama " Hanyodul" NHK Special Broadcasting
Drama " Goon-Ju" NHK Special Broadcasting
Web Dram About Seoul Planning with Avex & HB

Concept Director
Ryan Park

【Sep 2010 - Dec 2013】
Santa Monica College – Santa Monica, CA, United Stated
Associate Degree(Cumulative GPA: 3.07/4.00)
Major: Liberal Arts and Humanities
Courses: Accounting, Economy, Business, Statistics, Business Law, Acting, Japanese
【Mar 2007 – Dec 2017】
Candidate for Bachelor of Arts Cumulative GPA: 3.78/4.00
Major: Theatre and Film Acting; Honors: Full Academic Scholarship, Top 1% Honor Roll Scholarship
Courses: Intro to the Theatre, Fundamentals of Acting, History of Music Drama, Info Processing, Leadership
【Apr 2014 – May 2015】
We make Price – Chief of Management Strategy Center, Seoul, Korea
Conducting a survey of competitors, Managing human resource
Improving 300% of work efficiency by designing and building office automation
【Dec 2015 – Sep 2016】
Table Manager Inc. – Head of Strategic Planning Team, Seoul, Kore
Restaurant reservation management solution Directing; planning, on/offline marketing, branding, sales
Government's project: website, company's app planning and project management
Growth 8 times in service size by directing & sales.
【Sep 2016 – Dec 2017】
Nodelian – C.E.O. Seoul, Korea
Reservation App Directing; planning, branding
p2p financial digital marketing Directing & Operation; Homepage, App, Influencer Marketing Etc.
Attracted 50 billion KRW investment by marketing.
【May 2018 – Present】
Supermassive Ent. Korea – Head of Strategic Planning Team, Seoul, Korea
Product Concept Directing & Operation: Online Marketing, Product package design, Homepage Etc.
System Concept Directing & Planning: Fitness Club Reservation App, Network Marketing Solution
Drama & Concert planning and operation.
【Dec 2007 - Feb 2010】
Republic of Korea Air Force - Aircraft Arresting Unit, Yecheon, South Korea
Senior Squadron Leader, Sergeant, Corporal, Private First Class, Private Second Class
Produced training materials for mobile aircraft arresting system and tested the system on the field
Received an Excellence of Achievement award from Brigadier General
【Jun 2015 – Nov 2015】
National Strategy Industry Java Developer Course – Seoul, Korea
Courses: C, Java, Android, MySQL, Spring 4.0, Servlet, JSP
Understanding the overall process of programming and production.
Languages: English, Korean, and Japanese
Hobbies: Musical Shows, Shopping, Cycling, Movies
Computer Proficiency: MS Office, Adobe Illustrator, Java, HTML, Android, Spring