Good News!! junca Cash has listed already on CoinMarketCap
junca Cash, the key currency of the junca platform, which helps to strengthen the Asian economy and achieve world peace through financial services such as overseas remittances, currency exchange, and on/offline payments.
JCC has listed on CoinMarketCap, which is the appraisal standard of worldwide project and improve the creditworthiness of coins, which is often used when you look at the evaluation of coins.
CoinMarketCap is very convenient site which you can check more than 1,000 crypto assets issued all over the world, the market capitalization ranking of coins, trading volume and past transaction of coins, etc.
CoinMarketCap is also used as currency list when searching for future virtual currencies as world standards.
JCC listed on CoinMarketCap at a very early stage, about two months after listed on WBF exchange as the first listing on crypto asset market on July 15.
According to the results, it is thought that JCC has already become one of the global standard currency in this short period of time.
You can check JCC on CoinMarketCap from this link.
From the link which is junca Cash website, you can register an account on WBF or BiKi.
You can purchase junca Cash at WBF exchange or BiKi exchange.
Thank you for your continuous support.

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