【Notice】Partnership with JEPPCA, a Philippine human resources development association
Thank you very much for your continued support of our project.
We are pleased to announce that junca Human Resources & Services Inc. and Japan Employment Providers of the Philippines & Consultants’Association, Inc. (JEPPCA) have formed a partnership.
Japan Employment Providers of the Philippines & Consultants’Association, Inc. (JEPPCA ) is a reputable Philippine organization duly-registered with the Securities & Exchange Commission and recognized by the Philippine Overseas Employment Administration (POEA) as a legitimate private industry association whose members are recruitment agencies licensed to engage In the recruitment and deployment of Filipino workers for all types of land-based jobs in various overseas Job destinations, including Japan.
JEPPCA has more than 70 members, each of which has its own market (country) to supply Filipino workers. So far, they have sent about 3,000 to 5,000 workers to Japan. In addition, outside of Japan (in the Middle East, Europe, America, parts of Asia, parts of Africa, etc.), the largest agencies (the most active agencies) belong to and are members of JEPPCA so they have created employment for a total of more than 50,000 workers worldwide.
As part of its social responsibility and advocacy activities, JEPPCA has partnered with other Philippine recruitment agencies and POEAs to provide potential job seekers with overseas labor application procedures and pre-employment manuals, and to hold business meetings with Japanese experts to ensure that all issues related to worker employment are properly addressed. They are contributing to the creation of transparent employment opportunities. In addition to increasing employment opportunities for Filipinos, the company is also working to expand the potential of Asian human resources by building friendships between Japanese employment agencies and Filipino staffing agencies.
Partnership Ceremony Held in Manila
From the left : Ms.Edwina L. Beech, Chairperson of JEPPCA / Dr. Hisayuki Nagatome, CEO of junca Holdings / Ms. Nora Braganza, President of JEPPCA
A partnership ceremony was held in Manila, Philippines, between junca Human Resources & Services Inc. and JEPPCA. The partnership ceremony was attended by Chairperson Ms.Edwina L. Beech, President Ms.Nora Braganza, Treasurer Ms.Imelda Enriquez, and Secretary Ms.Anna Marie Nangan. They expressed their vision for job creation to create a bright future for Japan and the Philippines through the joint activities of junca and JEPPCA.
junca Human Resources & Services Inc. and JEPPCA have agreed to share information on Japanese employers who may require the services of Filipino workers and to mutually commit to stimulate projects and activities to create transparent employment opportunities in the future. junca Human Resources & Services Inc. will serve as the dedicated partner and will be the first point of contact between the Philippines and Japan to proactively create and contribute to employment opportunities.
We are honored to be able to contribute to the creation of jobs to expand the potential of Asian human resources through this partnership.
junca Holdings will continue its efforts to maximize the value of Asian human resources, which are in a state of flux, by establishing educational institutions, vocational training schools, scholarship programs, and other initiatives to further enhance the value of human resources.
Thank you for your continued support.

2022, 12/18
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